TRUCK NAME: Unnamed Untamed
MAKE: 1942 Dodge Power Wagon
OWNER/DRIVER: Sam Sturges (Original Bill Oliver)
CITY: Tucson, Arizona (Bill Oliver, Mountain View, California)
ENGINE: 520 cubic inch Donavin Hemi Norris Cam
TRANSMISSION: Chrysler Torque Elite 727
AXLES: Rockwell 2 1/2 ton militaries, Lincoln locker in the rear
SHOCKS: 8 Monroe shocks
INFORMATION: Bill Oliver built the Unamed Untamed truck in 1984 to enter in the tracker tire class, in mud bogging. It took three months work with over 3,000 man hours to build it with about 12 of his friends who all shared a common interest in the sport. The truck became a record breaker by becoming one of the fastest tracker tire vehicles in mud bogging.
One thing which made this truck stand out was the fact that the drivers seat was in the hood, so as to keep the truck weight level, as the engine was very heavy.
In 1993 it was changed into a monster truck & is one hairy ride. It is now owned by one of Bill’s friends, Sammy Stergous who still runs it.