Interview with the driver of the Equalizer Monster Truck David Morris, in Springfield, Missouri in 1998.
Q) How did you get into Monster Truck Racing ?
A) I started out on the street with big tires on my pickup truck, which seemed to get bigger & bigger, until it was to big to drive it on the street, so I got into Monster Truck racing
Q) How long have you been driving Monster Trucks ?
A) 11 years now
Q) What was going through your mind the first time you crushed some cars ?
A) The first time I went over a pile of cars, there wasn’t much really going through my mind, until after I hit them & went flying into the air & thought about what was going to happen, when I come back down
Q) Where was that?
A) That was at the shop. Me and a friend of mine. We weren’t sure how it was gonna go. It turned out well & we got started”
Q) Do you find it hard keeping your truck unto date with the technical advancement in the sport?
A) We’ve put two trucks together since the first one. We used a lot of parts from the first one, to make the other two. The trucks nowadays, are much more expensive to keep them competitive. In other words you got to spend a lot more money to be able to keep up against other competitors in the sport
Q) Have you ever rolled the truck?
A) Yeah, I crashed my first truck twice. I didn’t crash my second one, but I have crashed this once
Q) What was going through your mind as it was happening or directly after the crash?
A) The first time I crashed I was kind of scared, I was just thinking about getting out. The last time I was think about what would be hanging off the truck, when I get out.
Q) What do you enjoy most about being a Monster Truck Driver?
A) Mostly just going to different cities & meeting the fans. I enjoy racing, but I like to get out & meet different people in different places.
Q) What don’t you like about it?
A) The worst thing is when you load the truck up in broken pieces, to go home.
Q) Do you mind all of the travelling which is involved, to get to the different show’s?
A) Doing all the miles on the road, takes it toll on you after in a while.
Q) Are there any particular moments in your career, which stick in your mind?
A) Yeah, I’ve one a couple of National Championships since I started. I’ve had a few 2nd & 3rd place finishes. One place that sticks in my mind is the Tampa Stadium in Florida. I’ve one every time I’ve been there.
Q) What about the future of the sport ? What do you think there is to do to advance it further?
A) I would like to see the sport get bigger & more people get involved. I’d like to see more corporates sponsors involved in it